

 还没死,仅做完备份 “自杀的人,究竟是想不开呢,还是想开了呢。” 很遗憾,我写不出那样动人的文字,我也并不希望营造一种死后世界的浪漫印象,在这里我只希望最后给我的故事画上一个完美的句号。 “他本可触碰星辰,不曾想,这只是个梦,而后他坠落下来,被星星焚尽,那颗叫做太阳的星星。” 我的人生算不上失败,只是突然觉得没意思了,或许... 好友已经去了参宿四,为什么不在一个合适的时间点结束这长达数十年的噩梦呢? 一辈子没人爱,也没人理解我,结束了也是解脱吧。再见。世上再无我。 希望不要有来世吧,我只想和朋友们坐在那无尽的美丽的星空列车上,偶尔停下来,就下车一起吃烤棉花糖,聊一聊地球上的往事,讨论着下一个朋友是谁。那该是多么幸福的生活啊! 人生这个车站,我等车等了好久,终于等到了我的列车。出发吧,不必提醒我了,我的人生一步错步步错,但这一次,我不会错过那个站点了。 到天空! Vicky Silviana 2025.01.13



Minecraft Server

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hospital-diary(Minecraft Server)

 title: hospital-diary author: VillagerVicky pages: #- Nov 26, 2023 晴 我生病了,被迫住进了医院。 我也说不清是什么问题,但我突然晕倒了,醒来后就在这里。 唉,来的第一天就觉得很无聊了。幸好我有手机,可以勉强解闷。 嘛,等出去了一定要好好逛一逛。这边风景很好,我还没怎么参观过。 #- Nov 27, 2023 晴 我看见了一群孩子,和我差不多年纪吧。 不知道为什么,我第一眼就注意到了她,似曾相识。 鼓起勇气,上去搭讪,他们很友好,我们成为了朋友。 这地方很小,没什么好逛的,我也不是来旅游的。 他们没什么玩的,却也很开心,真好啊。 医生说我的情况有些严重,看来一时半会走不了了。 #- Nov 28, 2023 雷雨 来到这里的第三天。 我无法再忍受了,且不提这里荒无人烟,而且晚上还有奇怪的怪物,周围除了电视塔什么都看不见...不是迫不得已谁想来医院呢?那些孩子们也没法缓解我的心情。 以及那黑暗的建筑是什么,窗户都没了... #- Dec 05, 2023 雨  果然,人在开心的时候是不会想写东西的。这么久过去了。 那些孩子很友好,但我还是和她玩的最多。虽然差不多大,但我们似乎更成熟一些,也更有话题。 有时看她治疗很痛苦,估计是很严重的病吧。我倒是还好,只是很虚弱,医生让我静养。我认为不过是没办法治疗吧。 #- 在对方最痛苦的时候,我们都互相陪伴着度过。这就是朋友的感觉吗?我很开心... 有些心疼,然而痛苦往往是不可避免的。 #- Dec 06, 2023 雪 下雪了,外面白茫茫的,要知道在这种地方雪并不常见。 她对我说,好想看看外面的世界是什么样子啊。 我很惊讶,问她,你难道没有出去过吗?或者说,你难道不是从外面来的吗? 她说,自从自己记事以来,就是在医院里长大的,她听说自己是医生们捡来的孩子。 我不知道该如何安慰。 #- Dec 07, 2023 晴 我们又见面了,可是这次只有她一个人。 我问她,那些孩子们都到哪里去了,她说,都出去了,他们的病好了。 我说,好耶,等我们也好了,我们就一起出去玩,一起去找他们哦。 “好,好啊...可是,我出不去的,我活不了多久了。” “哈哈,那么我也活不了多久了,没关系的。” 希望你只是开玩笑。 #- Dec 10, 2023 阴 这几天,我们一起探...

Vanadium Chemistry (3): The complexes

Oxalate  V(V) forms a surprising complex: cis-[VO2(C2O4)2]3- whose ammonium salt (NH4)3[VO2(C2O4)2].2H2O is bright yellow and forms large, maybe even single crystals, but solution tends to be supersaturated till the end. Preparation of this is quite hard to describe: Mixing same molar NH4VO3, H2C2O4 and (NH4)2C2O4 together in solution is OK, but then it darkens soon even if you are very precise. Use a few milliliter H2O2 to oxidize it back it turns red, and then in a few days it darkens and repeat H2O2 addition... finally it does not becomes dark but yellow, then go to vaporize at RT. V(IV) forms a complex: cis-[VO(H2O)(C2O4)2]2- whose ammonium salt (NH4)2[VO(H2O)(C2O4)2].H2O can hardly be crystallized without ethanol. todo;;;

Vanadium Chemistry (2): From +4 To +3 and +2

 An electrolysis cell is a container with two electrodes in it. In order to be effective we need partitioning: carefully hit a test tube at ground to remove its bottom, and add glass wool in it. Here we do reduction so anode is inside, cathode is outside. V2+ is very reducing so use paraffin liquid above solution. In a short period, about a few days, you get purple solution which is the end. Heat this solution with excessive ammonium sulfate and magnesium sulfate (V:(NH4)2:Mg=1:5:4)then cool, then you get purple crystals. Similar procedure however, can't dye alums due to unknown reasons. Probably, different ion radius or wrong temperature? (Cooling also failed and solution freezing is driving me mad) to be continued...


 Alums are compounds with the formula AB(SO4)2.12H2O with A=+1 alkali/ammonium and B=+3 hexaaquo ion. The larger A is, or the smaller B is, the better stability crystal has. Most members are not that stable as Tutton's salts and sometimes only solid solutions and cesium alums are stable. Cubic system, octahedral crystals. They are honest in colors, as aqueous solutions of such a highly charged ion usually undergoes hydrolysis. Known examples: Al: Colorless. Best known, with K and NH4 common and stable. Na also possible but very unstable. Sc: Colorless. Unstable. Ti: Purple? Highly reducing both in solid and solution. V: Blue or green or what? Reducing. My procedure gave nothing but alum with solution. Better make pure compound. Cr: Dark purple, very famous. K mixing with KAl is the most common way with ratio variable. Mn: Red. Extremely unstable as any form except a dilute solution in NH4Al in which it is flesh-like orange. See my blog for more details. Fe: Purple? Co: Greyish-blue...